China - Loi de la République Populaire de Chine sur l'arbitrage du 31 août 1994 Principaux extraits



Chapitre I - Principes généraux






Article 2



Le recours à l'arbitrage est autorisé pour les différends contractuels et les autres différends relatifs aux droits, aux intérêts et à la propriété existant entre les sujets égaux tels que citoyens, personnes morales, et autres entités.



Article 3



Le recours à l'arbitrage n'est pas autorisé pour les différends suivants:



(1) les différends concernant le mariage, l'adoption, la tutelle, la reconnaissance et les successions;



(2) les différends administratifs qui doivent, selon la loi, être soumis à des autorités administratives.






Article 6



Les parties à un différend devant être soumis à arbitrage devront faire le choix d'une commission d'arbitrage dans leur convention d'arbitrage.



L'arbitrage ne peut être soumis à des réglementations régionales ou locales.






Chapitre II - Commissions d'arbitrage et association d'arbitrage






Article 13



Les commissions d'arbitrage devront choisir leurs arbitres parmi des personnes impartiales et loyales.



Les arbitres devront satisfaire à l'une des qualifications suivantes:



(1) avoir pratiqué l'arbitrage pour une période minimum de huit ans;



(2) avoir été avocat pendant une période minimum de huit ans;



(3) avoir été juge pendant une période minimum de huit ans;



(4) avoir eu une activité d'enseignement ou de recherche juridique à un niveau très élevé;



(5) disposer de connaissances juridiques, d'une pratique professionnelle dans le domaine des relations économico-commerciales, d'une activité professionnelle à un niveau très élevé et être considéré comme tel dans les milieux professionnels.



Les commissions d'arbitrage dresseront des listes d'arbitres en tenant compte de leur profession.






Article 15



L'Association chinoise d'arbitrage sera constituée comme une entité ayant une personnalité juridique. Les commissions d'arbitrage devront adhérer à l'Association chinoise d'arbitrage. Les statuts de l'Association chinoise d'arbitrage seront adoptés par l'assemblée générale.



L'Association chinoise d'arbitrage est l'organisation réglementaire et disciplinaire pour les commissions d'arbitrage. Elle assurera la surveillance des commissions d'arbitrage, de leurs membres et des arbitres, conformément à ses statuts.



L'Association chinoise d'arbitrage adoptera des règlements généraux d'arbitrage conformément à la présente loi et aux dispositions pertinentes du Code de procédure civile.



Chapitre III - Convention d'arbitrage



Article 16



Une convention d'arbitrage peut prendre la forme d'une clause compromissoire dans un contrat ou d'un compromis d'arbitrage, qui sont convenus par écrit avant ou après un différend.



Une convention d'arbitrage devra contenir:



(1) l'expression de la volonté de recourir à l'arbitrage;



(2) les différends qui devront être soumis à l'arbitrage;



(3) la commission d'arbitrage choisie.






Article 19



Les conventions d'arbitrage sont autonomes. Toute modification, résiliation, terminaison ou nullité du contrat principal n'affecte pas la validité de la convention d'arbitrage.



Le tribunal arbitral sera compétent pour s'assurer de la validité du contrat principal.



Article 20



Lorsque les parties mettent en cause la validité d'une convention d'arbitrage, elles peuvent demander à la commission d'arbitrage ou au tribunal populaire de rendre une décision. Si l'une des parties présente cette demande à la commission d'arbitrage et l'autre présente une demande semblable au tribunal populaire, c'est cette dernière qui rendra la décision.



Toute objection à la validité d'une convention d'arbitrage doit être soulevée avant la première audience du tribunal arbitral.






Chapitre IV - Procédure d'arbitrage



Section I - Demande et acceptation






Section II - Constitution du tribunal arbitral



Article 34



Dans les circonstances suivantes, l'arbitre doit demander son retrait du tribunal arbitral, les parties disposant également du droit de demander le retrait de cet arbitre:



(1) l'arbitre est l'une des parties, ou un proche parent de l'une des parties, ou le mandataire d'une des parties;



(2) l'arbitre a un conflit d'intérêt dans le cadre de ce différend;



(3) l'arbitre a une relation avec l'une des parties ou son mandataire qui pourrait avoir une influence sur son impartialité dans le cadre de l'arbitrage;



(4) l'arbitre a rencontré en privé l'une des parties ou son mandataire, ou a accepté une invitation ou un cadeau de l'une des parties ou son mandataire.






Article 38



Dans les circonstances décrites au (4) de l'article 34, et si la violation est grave, ou dans les circonstances décrites au (6) de l'article 58, l'arbitre pourra être tenu pour responsable selon la loi, et la commission d'arbitrage devra le rayer de sa liste d'arbitres.






Section III - Audiences et sentences






Chapitre V - Demande d'annulation de la sentence arbitrale



Article 58



Dans l'hypothèse où l'une des parties peut établir qu'une sentence arbitrale a été rendue dans l'une des circonstances suivantes, elle pourra présenter une demande d'annulation de la sentence au tribunal populaire intermédiaire du lieu de la commission de l'arbitrage en cause:



(1) que la convention d'arbitrage n'existe pas;



(2) que la sentence arbitrale porte sur un différend non visé dans la convention d'arbitrage ou qui ne relève pas de la compétence de la commission d'arbitrage;



(3) que la constitution du tribunal arbitral ou la procédure arbitrale n'a pas respecté les procédures légales;



(4) que les preuves sur la base desquelles la sentence a été rendue sont frauduleuses;



(5) que l'autre partie a dissimulé des éléments de preuve d'une importance suffisante pour affecter l'impartialité nécessaire à la sentence;



(6) qu'un ou plusieurs arbitres a demandé ou reçu des pots de vin, a agi sur la base de considérations purement personnelles ou a commis des infractions ou n'a pas respecté la loi pour promouvoir ses intérêts personnels pendant la procédure arbitrale.



Le tribunal populaire peut annuler la sentence arbitrale si, après examen et vérification en formation collégiale, elle considère que la sentence arbitrale est affectée d'un des griefs indiqués ci-dessus.



Le tribunal populaire annulera la sentence arbitrale lorsqu'elle estime qu'elle est contraire aux intérêts publics et sociaux.






Chapitre VI - Exécution






Article 63



Si le défendeur peut établir qu'une sentence arbitrale est affectée par l'une des circonstances visées au second paragraphe de l'article 217, alinéa 2 du Code de procédure civile, le tribunal populaire après examen et vérification en formation collégiale, devra refuser d'accorder l'exécution de la sentence.






Chapitre VII - Dispositions spéciales relatives à l'arbitrage comportant un élément étranger



Article 65



Le présent Chapitre s'applique aux arbitrages relatifs aux différends issus d'activités en matière économique et commerciale, en matière de transport, en matière maritime comportant un élément étranger. En l'absence de dispositions spécifiques dans le présent chapitre, les autres dispositions relatives à la loi s'appliquent.



Article 66



Des commissions relatives à l'arbitrage comportant un élément étranger pourront être organisées et établies par la Chambre chinoise de commerce international.



Les commissions relatives à l'arbitrage comportant un élément étranger seront constituées d'un président, de plusieurs vice-présidents et de membres.



Le président, les vice-présidents et les membres de ces commissions pourront être nommés par la Chambre chinoise de commerce international.



Article 67



Les Commissions relatives à l'arbitrage comportant un élément étranger pourront désigner des citoyens étrangers qui possèdent une compétence dans le domaine du droit, des relations économiques et commerciales, de la science et de la technologie, etc.



Article 68



Lorsque l'une des parties sollicite la préservation d'une preuve, la commission relative à l'arbitrage comportant un élément étranger transmettra cette demande au tribunal populaire intermédiaire du lieu où la preuve peut être recueillie.



Article 69



Un tribunal arbitral dans un différend comportant un élément étranger pourra dresser un protocole écrit d'une audience ou établir des minutes de cette audience. Ce protocole ou ces minutes pourront être signés ou scellés par les parties et les autres participants à la procédure arbitrale.



Article 70



Si l'une des parties peut établir qu'une sentence relative à un différend comportant un élément étranger est affectée d'une des circonstances mentionnées à l'alinéa 1 de l'article 260 du Code de procédure civile, le tribunal populaire pourra, après examen et vérification en formation collégiale, décider d'annuler la sentence.



Article 71



Si le défendeur peut établir qu'une sentence arbitrale est affectée par l'une des circonstances mentionnées à l'alinéa 1 de l'article 260 du Code de procédure civile, le tribunal populaire pourra, après examen et vérification en formation collégiale, décider de refuser d'accorder l'exécution de la sentence.



Article 72



Lorsque l'une des parties sollicite l'exécution d'une sentence arbitrale valide rendue par une commission relative à un différend comportant un élément étranger, et que le défendeur contre qui la demande est faite ou les biens de ce défendeur ne sont pas sur le territoire de la République populaire de Chine, cette partie devra présenter sa demande directement au tribunal étranger ayant compétence pour la reconnaissance et l'exécution de la sentence.



Article 73



Des règlements relatifs à l'arbitrage de différends comportant un élément étranger pourront être adoptés par la Chambre chinoise de commerce international, et ce dans le respect de la présente loi et des dispositions pertinentes du Code de procédure civile.



Chapitre VIII - Autres dispositions....... Dispositions pertinentes du code de procedure civile (2)



Article 217



Dans l'hypothèse où le défendeur peut établir qu'une sentence arbitrale a été affectée par l'une des circonstances suivantes, le tribunal populaire, après examen et vérification en formation collégiale, devra refuser d'accorder l'exécution de la sentence:



(1) que les parties n'ont pas convenu d'une clause compromissoire dans le contrat, ou convenu par la suite d'un compromis d'arbitrage écrit;



(2) que la sentence arbitrale porte sur un différend non visé dans la convention d'arbitrage ou qui ne relève pas de la compétence de la commission d'arbitrage;



(3) que la constitution du tribunal arbitral ou la procédure arbitrale n'a pas respecté les procédures légales;



(4) que les principales preuves ayant servi à l'établissement des faits étaient insuffisantes;



(5) que la loi a été clairement appliquée de manière incorrecte;



(6) que les arbitres ont demandé ou accepté des pots de vin, agi sur la base de considérations purement personnelles ou rendu une sentence qui a détourné la loi.



Article 260



Si le défendeur peut établir qu'une sentence arbitrale rendue par une institution de la République populaire de Chine compétente en matière d'arbitrage comportant un élément étranger est affectée par l'une des circonstances suivantes, le tribunal populaire pourra, après examen et vérification en formation collégiale, décider de refuser d'accorder l'exécution de la sentence:



(1) que les parties n'ont pas convenu d'une clause compromissoire dans le contrat, ou convenu par la suite d'un compromis d'arbitrage écrit;



(2) que le défendeur peut établir qu'il n'a pas été dûment informé de la nomination d'un arbitre ou de la procédure arbitrale, ou qu'il lui a été impossible pour une autre raison de faire valoir ses droits;



(3) que la constitution du tribunal arbitral, ou la procédure arbitrale, n'a pas été conforme au règlement d'arbitrage;



(4) que la sentence arbitrale porte sur un différend non visé dans la convention d'arbitrage ou qui ne relève pas de la compétence de la commission d'arbitrage.




Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the Ninth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National Peoples Congress on August 31, 1994, promulgated by Order No.31 of the President of the Peoples Republic of China on August 31, 1994, and effective as of September 1, 1995)



Chapter 1 - General Provisions



Article 1



This Law is formulated in order to ensure the impartial and prompt arbitration of economic disputes, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and to safeguard the sound development of the socialist market economy.



Article 2



Contractual disputes and other disputes over rights and interests in property between citizens, legal persons and other organizations that are equal subjects may be arbitrated.



Article 3



The following disputes may not be arbitrated:



(1) Marital, adoption, guardianship, support and succession disputes;



(2) administrative disputes that shall be handled by administrative organs as prescribed by law.



Article 4



The parties submission to arbitration to resolve their dispute shall be on the basis of both parties free will and an arbitration agreement reached between them. If a party applies for arbitration in the absence of an arbitration agreement, the arbitration commission shall not accept the case.



Article 5



If the parties have concluded an arbitration agreement and one party institutes an action in a peoples court, the peoples court shall not accept the case, unless the arbitration agreement is null and void.



Article 6



The arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties through agreement.



In arbitration, there shall be no jurisdiction by level and no territorial jurisdiction.



Article 7



In arbitration, disputes shall be resolved on the basis of facts, in compliance with the law and in an equitable and reasonable manner.



Article 8



Arbitration shall be carried out independently according to law and shall be free from interference of administrative organs, public organizations or individuals.



Article 9



A system of a single and final award shall be practiced for arbitration. If a party applies for arbitration to an arbitration commission or institutes an action in a peoples court regarding the same dispute after an arbitration award has been made, the arbitration commission or the peoples court shall not accept the case.



If an arbitration award is set aside or its enforcement is disallowed by the peoples court in accordance with the law, a party may apply for arbitration on the basis of a new arbitration agreement reached between the parties, or institute an action in the peoples court, regarding the same dispute.



Chapter II - Arbitration Commissions and the Arbitration Association



Article 10



Arbitration commissions may be established in municipalities directly under the Central Government and in cities that are the seats of the peoples governments of provinces or autonomous regions. They may also be established in other cities divided into districts, according to need. Arbitration commissions shall not be established at each level of the administrative divisions.



Peoples governments of the cities referred to in the preceding paragraph shall arrange for the relevant departments and chambers of commerce to organize arbitration commissions in a unified manner.



The establishment of an arbitration commission shall be registered with the administrative department of justice of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.



Article 11



An arbitration commission shall meet the conditions set forth below:



(1) To have its own name, domicile and charter;



(2) To have the necessary property;



(3) To have the personnel that are to form the commission; and



(4) To have appointed arbitrators.



The charter of an arbitration commission shall be formulated in accordance with this Law.



Article 12



An arbitration commission shall be composed of one chairman, two to four vice chairmen and seven to eleven members.



The offices of chairman, vice chairman and members of an arbitration commission shall be held by experts in the field of law, economy and trade and persons with practical working experience. Experts in the field of law, economy and trade shall account for at least two thirds of the people forming an arbitration commission.



Article 13



An arbitration commission shall appoint its arbitrators from among righteous and upright persons.



An arbitrator shall meet one of the conditions set forth below:



(1) To have been engaged in arbitration work for at least eight years;



(2) To have worked as a lawyer for at least eight years;



(3) To have served as a judge for at least eight years;



(4) To have been engaged in legal research or legal education, possessing a senior professional title; or



(5) To have acquired the knowledge of law, engaged in the professional work in the field of economy and trade, etc., possessing a senior professional title or having an equivalent professional level.



An arbitration commission shall have a register of arbitrators in different specializations.*



Article 14



Arbitration commissions shall be independent from administrative organs and there shall be no subordinate relationships between arbitration commissions and administrative organs. There shall also be no subordinate relationships between arbitration commissions.



Article 15



China Arbitration Association is a social organization with the status of a legal person. Arbitration commissions are members of China Arbitration Association. The charter of China Arbitration Association shall be formulated by its national congress of members.



China Arbitration Association is a self-disciplined organization of arbitration commissions. It shall, in accordance with its charter, supervise arbitration commissions and their members and arbitrators as to whether or not they breach discipline.



China Arbitration Association shall formulate rules of arbitration in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.



Chapter III - Arbitration Agreement



Article 16



An arbitration agreement shall include arbitration clauses stipulated in the contract and agreements of submission to arbitration that are concluded in other written forms before or after disputes arise.



An arbitration agreement shall contain the following particulars:



(1) an expression of intention to apply for arbitration;



(2) matters for arbitration; and



(3) a designated arbitration commission.



Article 17



An arbitration agreement shall be null and void under one of the following circumstances:



(1) The agreed matters for arbitration exceed the range of arbitrable matters as specified by law;



(2) One party that concluded the arbitration agreement has no capacity for civil conducts or has limited capacity for civil conducts; or



(3) One party coerced the other party into concluding the arbitration agreement.



Article 18



If an arbitration agreement contains no or unclear provisions concerning the matters for arbitration or the arbitration commission, the parties may reach a supplementary agreement. If no such supplementary agreement can be reached, the arbitration agreement shall be null and void.



Article 19



An arbitration agreement shall exist independently. The amendment, rescission, termination or invalidity of a contract shall not affect the validity of the arbitration agreement.



The arbitration tribunal shall have the power to affirm the validity of a contract.



Article 20



If a party challenges the validity of the arbitration agreement, he may request the arbitration commission to make a decision or apply to the peoples court for a ruling. If one party requests the arbitration commission to made a decision and the other party applies to the peoples court for a ruling, the peoples court shall give a ruling.



A party's challenge of the validity of the arbitration agreement shall be raised prior to the arbitration tribunals first hearing.



Chapter IV - Arbitration Procedure



Section 1 - Application and Acceptance



Article 21



A partys application for arbitration shall meet the following requirements:



(1) There is an arbitration agreement;



(2) There is a specific arbitration claim and there are facts and reasons therefor; and



(3) The application is within the scope of the arbitration commissions acceptability.



Article 22



To apply for arbitration, a party shall submit to the arbitration commission the written arbitration agreement and a written application for arbitration together with copies thereof.



Article 23



A written application for arbitration shall specify the following particulars;



(1) The name, sex, age, occupation, work unit and domicile of each party, or the name and domicile of legal persons or other organizations and the names and positions of their legal representatives or chief responsible persons;



(2) the arbitration claim and the facts and reasons on which it is based; and



(3) the evidence, the source of the evidence and the names and domiciles of witnesses.



Article 24



When an arbitration commission receives a written application for arbitration and considers that the application complies with the conditions for acceptance, it shall accept the application and notify the party within five days from the date of receipt. If the arbitration commission considers that the application does not comply with the conditions for acceptance, it shall inform the party in writing of its rejection of the application and explain the reasons for ejection within five days from the date of receipt.



Article 25



After an arbitration commission accepts an application for arbitration, it shall, within the timelimit specified in the rules of arbitration, deliver a copy of the rules of arbitration and the register of arbitrators to the claimant, and serve one copy of the application for arbitration together with the rules of arbitration and the register of arbitrators on the respondent.



After receiving the copy of the application for arbitration, the respondent shall submit a written defense to the arbitration commission within the time limit specified in the rules of arbitration. After receiving the written defense, the arbitration commission shall serve a copy thereof on the claimant within the time limit specified in the rules of arbitration. Failure on the part of the respondent to submit a written defense shall not affect the progress of the arbitration proceedings.



Article 26



If the parties have concluded an arbitration agreement and one party has instituted an action in a peoples court without declaring the existence of the arbitration agreement and, after the peoples court has accepted the case, the other party submits the arbitration agreement prior to the first hearing, the peoples court shall dismiss the case unless the arbitration agreement is null and void. If, prior to the first hearing, the other party has not raised an objection to the peoples courts acceptance of the case, he shall be deemed to have renounced the arbitration agreement and the peoples court shall continue to try the case.



Article 27



The claimant may renounce or alter its arbitration claim. The respondent may accept or refuse an arbitration claim and shall have the right to make a counter-claim.



Article 28



A party may apply for property preservation if it may become impossible or difficult for the party to execute the award due to an act of the other party or other causes.



If a party applies for property preservation, the arbitration commission shall submit the partys application to the peoples court in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.



If an application for property preservation has been wrongfully made, the applicant shall compensate the person against whom the application has been made for any loss incurred from property preservation.



Article 29



A party or statutory agent may appoint a lawyer or other agent to carry out arbitration activities. To appoint a lawyer or other agent to carry out arbitration activities, a power of attorney shall be submitted to the arbitration commission.



Section 2 - Formation of Arbitration Tribunal



Article 30



An arbitration tribunal may be composed of either three arbitrators or one arbitrator. An arbitration tribunal composed of three arbitrators shall have a presiding arbitrator.



Article 31



If the parties agree that the arbitration tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators, they shall each appoint or entrust the chairman of the arbitration commission to appoint one arbitrator. The parties shall jointly select or jointly entrust the chairman of the arbitration commission to appoint the third arbitrator who shall be the presiding arbitrator.



If the parties agree that the arbitration tribunal shall be composed of one arbitrator, they shall jointly appoint or jointly entrust the chairman of the arbitration commission to appoint the arbitrator.



Article 32



If the parties fail to agree on the method of formation of the arbitration tribunal or to select the arbitrators within the time limit specified in the rules of arbitration, the arbitrators shall be appointed by the chairman of the arbitration commission.



Article 33



After the arbitration tribunal has been formed, the arbitration commission shall notify the parties in writing of the tribunals formation.



Article 34



In one of the following circumstances, the arbitrator must withdraw, and the parties shall also have the right to challenge the arbitrator for a withdrawal:



(1) The arbitrator is a party in the case or a close relative of a party of an agent in the case;



(2) The arbitrator has a personal interest in the case;



(3) The arbitrator has other relationship with a party or his agent in the case which may affect the impartiality of arbitration; or



(4) The arbitrator has privately met with a party or agent or accepted an invitation to entertainment or gift from a party or agent.



Article 35



If a party challenges an arbitrator, he shall submit his challenge, with a statement of the reasons therefor, prior to the first hearing. If the matter giving rise to the challenge becomes known after the first hearing, the challenge may be made before the conclusion of the final hearing of the case.



Article 36



The decision as to whether or not the arbitrator should withdraw shall be made by the chairman of the arbitration commission. If the chairman of the arbitration commission serves as an arbitrator, the decision shall be made collectively by the arbitration commission.



Article 37



If an arbitrator cannot perform his duties due to his withdrawal or for other reasons, a substitute arbitrator shall be selected or appointed in accordance with this Law.



After a substitute arbitrator has been selected or appointed on account of an arbitrators withdrawal, a party may request that the arbitration proceedings already carried out should be carried out anew. The decision as to whether to approve it or not shall be made by the arbitration tribunal. The arbitration tribunal may also make a decision of its own motion as to whether or not the arbitration proceeding already carried out should be carried out anew.



Article 38



If an arbitrator is involved in the circumstances described in item (4) of Article 34 of this Law and the circumstances are serious or involved in the circumstances described in item (6) of Article 58



of this Law, he shall assume legal liability according to law and the arbitration commission shall remove his name from the register of arbitrators.



Section 3 - Hearing and Award



Article 39



Arbitration shall be conducted by means of oral hearings. If the parties agree to arbitration without oral hearings, the arbitration tribunal may render an arbitration award on the basis of the written application for arbitration, the written defense and other material.



Article 40



Arbitration shall be conducted in camera. If the parities agree to public arbitration, the arbitration may be public unless State secrets are involved.



Article 41



The arbitration commission shall notify the parties of the date of the hearing within the time limit specified in the rules of arbitration. A party may, within the time limit specified in the rules of arbitration, request a postponement of the hearing if he has justified reasons therefor. The arbitration tribunal shall decide whether or not to postpone the hearing.



Article 42



If the claimant fails to appear before the arbitration tribunal without justified reasons after having been notified in writing or leaves the hearing prior to its conclusion without the permission of the arbitration tribunal, he may be deemed to have withdrawn his application for arbitration.



If the respondent fails to appear before the arbitration tribunal without justified reasons after having been notified in writing or leaves the hearing prior to its conclusion without the permission of the arbitration tribunal, a default award may be made.



Article 43



Parties shall provide evidence in support of their own arguments.



The arbitration tribunal may, as it considers necessary, collect evidence on its own.



Article 44



If the arbitration tribunal considers that a special issue requires appraisal, it may refer the issue for appraisal to an appraisal department agreed on by the parties or to an appraisal department designated by the arbitration tribunal.



If requested by a party or required by the arbitration tribunal, the appraisal department shall send its appraiser to attend the hearing. Subject to the permission of the arbitration tribunal, the parties may question the appraiser.



Article 45



The evidence shall be presented during the hearings and may be examined by the parties.



Article 46



Under circumstances where the evidence may be destroyed or lost or difficult to obtain at a later time, a party may apply for preservation of the evidence. If a party applies for preservation of the evidence, the arbitration commission shall submit his application to the basic peoples court in the place where the evidence is located.



Article 47



The parties shall have the right to carry on debate in the course of arbitration. At the end of the debate, the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator shall solicit final opinions from the parties.



Article 48



The arbitration tribunal shall make records of the hearings in writing. The parties and other participants in the arbitration shall have the right to apply for supplementation or correction of the record of their own statements if they consider that such record contains omissions or errors. If no supplementation or corrections are to be made, their application therefor shall be recorded.



the record shall be singed or sealed by the arbitrators, the recordist, the parties and other participants in the arbitration.



Article 49



After an application for arbitration has been made, the parties may settle their dispute on their own. If the parties have reached a settlement agreement, they may request the arbitration tribunal to make an arbitration award in accordance with the settlement agreement; alternatively, they may withdraw their application for arbitration.



Article 50



If a party repudiates the settlement agreement after the application for arbitration has been withdrawn, he may apply for arbitration again in accordance with the arbitration agreement.



Article 51



The arbitration tribunal may carry out conciliation prior to giving an arbitration award. The arbitration tribunal shall conduct conciliation if both parties voluntarily seek conciliation. If conciliation is unsuccessful, an arbitration award shall be made promptly.



If conciliation leads to a settlement agreement, the arbitration tribunal shall make a written conciliation statement or make an arbitration award in accordance with the result of the settlement agreement. A written conciliation statement and an arbitration award shall have equal legal effect.



Article 52



A written conciliation statement shall specify the arbitration claim and the results of the settlement agreed upon between the parties. The written conciliation statement shall be signed by the arbitrators, sealed by the arbitration commission, and then served on both parties.



The written conciliation statement shall become legally effective immediately after both parties have signed for receipt thereof.



If the written conciliation statement is repudiated by a party before he signs for receipt thereof, the arbitration tribunal shall promptly make an arbitration award.



Article 53



The arbitration award shall be made in accordance with the opinion of the majority of the arbitrators. The opinion of the minority of the arbitrators may be entered in the record. If the arbitration tribunal is unable to form a majority opinion, the arbitration award shall be made in accordance with the opinion of the presiding arbitrator.



Article 54



An arbitration award shall specify the arbitration claim, the facts of the dispute, the reasons for the decision, the results of the award, the allocation of arbitration fees and the date of the award. If the parties agree that they do not wish the facts of the dispute and the reasons for the decision to be specified in the arbitration award, the same may be omitted. The arbitration award shall be signed by the arbitrators and sealed by the arbitration commission. An arbitrator with dissenting opinions as to the arbitration award may sign the award or choose not to sign it.



Article 55



In arbitration proceedings, if a part of the facts involved has already become clear, the arbitration tribunal may first make an award in respect of such part of the facts.



Article 56



If there are literal or calculation errors in the arbitration award, or if the matters which have been decided by the arbitration tribunal are omitted in the arbitration award, the arbitration tribunal shall make due corrections or supplementation. The parties may, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the award, request the arbitration tribunal to make such corrections or supplementation.



Article 57



The arbitration award shall be legally effective as of the date on which it is made.



Chapter V - Application for Setting Aside Arbitration Award



Article 58



A party may apply for setting aside an arbitration award to the intermediate peoples court in the place where the arbitration commission is located if he can produce evidence which proves that the arbitration award involves one of the following circumstances;



(1) There is no arbitration agreement;



(2) The matters decided in the award exceed the scope of the arbitration agreement or are beyond the arbitral authority of the arbitration commission;



(3) The formation of the arbitration tribunal or the arbitration procedure was not in conformity with the statutory procedure;



(4) The evidence on which the award is based is forged;



(5) The other party has withheld the evidence which is sufficient to affect the impartiality of the arbitration; or



(6) The arbitrators have committed embezzlement, accepted bribes or done malpractice for personal benefits or perverted the law in the arbitration of the case.



The Peoples court shall rule to set aside the arbitration award if a collegial panel formed by the peoples court verifies upon examination that the award involves one of the circumstances set forth in the preceding paragraph.



If the peoples court determines that the arbitration award violates the public interest, it shall rule to set aside the award.



Article 59



A party that wishes to apply for setting aside the arbitration award shall submit such application within six months from the date of receipt of the award.



Article 60



The peoples court shall, within two months from the date of accepting an application for setting aside an arbitration award, rule to set aside the award or to reject the application.



Article 61



If, after accepting an application for setting aside an arbitration award, the peoples court considers that the case may be re-arbitrated by the arbitration tribunal, it shall notify the tribunal that it shall re-arbitrate the case within a certain time limit and shall rule to stay the setting-aside procedure. If the arbitration tribunal refuses to re-arbitrate the case, the peoples court shall rule to resume the setting-aside procedure.



Chapter VI - Enforcement



Article 62



The parties shall perform the arbitration award. If a party fails to perform the arbitration award, the other party may apply to the peoples court for enforcement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law. The peoples court to which the application has been made shall enforce the award.



Article 63



If the party against whom the enforcement is sought presents evidence which proves that the arbitration award involves one of the circumstances set forth in the second paragraph of Article 217



of the Civil Procedure Law, the peoples court shall, after examination and verification by a collegial panel formed by the peoples court, rule to disallow the award.



Article 64



If one party applies for enforcement of the arbitration award and the other party applies for setting aside the arbitration award, the peoples court shall rule to suspend the procedure of enforcement.



If the peoples court rules to set aside the arbitration award, it shall rule to terminate the enforcement procedure. If the peoples court rules to reject the application for setting aside the arbitration award, it shall rule to resume the enforcement procedure.



Chapter VII - Special Provisions for Arbitration Involving Foreign Elements



Article 65



The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the arbitration of disputes arising from economic, trade, transportation and maritime activities involving a foreign element. For matters not covered in this Chapter, the other relevant provisions of this Law shall apply.



Article 66



Foreign-related arbitration commissions may be organized and established by the China Chamber of International Commerce.



A foreign-related arbitration commission shall be composed of one chairman, a certain number of vice chairmen and members.



The chairman, vice chairmen and members of a foreign-related arbitration commission may be appointed by the China Chamber of International Commerce.



Article 67



A foreign-related arbitration commission may appoint arbitrators from among foreigners with special knowledge in the fields of law, economy and trade, science and technology, etc..



Article 68



If a party to a foreign-related arbitration applies for preservation of the evidence, the foreign-related arbitration commission shall submit his application to the intermediate peoples court in the place where the evidence is located.



Article 69



A foreign-related arbitration tribunal may enter the details of the hearings in written records or make written minutes thereof. The written minutes may be signed or sealed by the parties and other participants in the arbitration.



Article 70



If a party presents evidence which proves that a foreign-related arbitration award involves one of the circumstances set forth in the first paragraph of Article 260 of the Civil Procedure Law, the peoples court shall, after examination and verification by a collegial panel formed by the peoples court, rule to set aside the award.



Article 71



If the party against whom the enforcement is sought presents evidence which proves that the foreign-related arbitration award involves one of the circumstances set forth in the first paragraph of Article 260 of the Civil Procedure Law, the peoples court shall, after examination and verification by a collegial panel formed by the peoples court, rule to disallow the enforcement.



Article 72



If a party applies for enforcement of a legally effective arbitration award made by a foreign-related arbitration commission and if the party against whom the enforcement is sought or such party's property is not within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, he shall directly apply to a competent foreign court for recognition and enforcement of the award.



Article 73



Foreign-related arbitration rules may be formulated by the China Chamber of International commerce in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.



Chapter VIII - Supplementary Provisions



Article 74



If prescription for arbitration is provided by law, such provisions shall apply. In the absence of such provisions, the prescription for litigation shall apply to arbitration.



Article 75



Prior to the formulation of rules of arbitration by China Arbitration Association, arbitration commissions may formulate provisional rules of arbitration in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.



Article 76



Parties shall pay arbitration fees according to regulations.



Measures for charging arbitration fees shall be submitted to the price control authorities for examination and approval.



Article 77



Regulations concerning arbitration of labor disputes and agricultural contractors contract disputes arising within the agricultural collective economic organizations shall be formulated separately.



Article 78



If regulations governing arbitration promulgated prior to the implementation of this Law contravene the provisions of this Law, the provisions of this Law shall prevail.



Article 79



Arbitration institutions established prior to the implementation of this Law in the municipalities directly under the Central Government, in the cities that are the seats of the peoples governments of provinces or autonomous regions and in other cities divided into districts shall be reorganized in accordance with this Law. Those of such arbitration institutions that have not been reorganized shall terminate upon the end of one year from the date of the implementation of this Law.



Other arbitration institutions established prior to the implementation of this Law that do not comply with the provisions of this Law shall terminate on the date of the implementation of this Law.



Article 80



This Law shall come into force as of September 1, 1995.






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